What is Spirituality?
"The real question is not whether life exists after death, the real question is whether you are alive before death."
- Anonymous
Before we start our journey to an entirely new world of experiences, let me ask if ever the question ‘Who am I?’ crossed your mind? Did you ever ask yourself who you are; leaving aside your name, designations, and relations?
Isn’t it strange not knowing yourself? But this is where curiosity about life starts and you step into the path of spirituality.
But why would you ever ask this type of question?
It is because the moment you start wondering these questions, you know there is more to life. It no longer remains limited to performing the regular duties of life (getting born, live and die).
You develop so many questions within you, like how humans as a species are different than other life on earth, why and how does life exists, what is the energy that keeps you alive, what happens when you die, where does the soul go and what exactly is a soul?
I have been following such questions and the fact that soul exists and is eternal is confirmed by people, scriptures, and saints from all across the world since ages and the same shall be revealed in subsequent blog posts.
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It doesn’t matter however much I try to explain to you about the soul and spirituality, the soul-awakening comes from within.
You will pay attention to life only when you realize all the things available on the planet are nothing but tools to please your senses.
Notice this; a body’s senses can be pleased by hearing sweet songs, looking at mesmerizing views, having sex, eating delicious food and being loved.
But pleasing senses all the time is not the ultimate goal of your life. Or is it?
Is living a very loving and comfortable life and dying peacefully without any illness is a well-lived life?
What’s the problem if all goes happy-happy in your life?
It can never happen. No one’s life can ever go happy-happy. Problems are bound to come. Ups and downs are as much part of life as inhalation and exhalation.
It is the law of the universe to maintain the equilibrium between positives and negatives.
But for a moment, just imagine if everything goes well in life. What will happen then?
You will know only one emotion – XYZ (The same thing that you perceive as Happiness now). The term Happiness is currently relative. You know what happiness is because you know what it feels like to be sad.
If you never knew how it feels to be sad, won’t that ‘happiness’ be kind of sadness then?
‘What profiteth a man if he gains the whole world yet suffers the loss of his eternal soul?’
-Mark 8:36
True. Whatever you are pursuing are the surface aspects of your life. They are tools to make your life a bit comfortable and more pleasing to your senses. Even if you gain the whole world, will it help you know what life is?
A materialistically inclined person seeks happiness either in love, money, sex or emotions. Materialistic activities and their result end with this body but soul and effects of Karma remain.
Each and everyone who has taken birth shall die, if not sooner than later. And the sad part is a man takes birth, work all through his life fulfilling his wishes, solving problems and dies without ever touching the life.
What is it that takes birth? What is it that develops desires and works all through the time on earth fulfilling them? And what is it that dies?
If a person doesn’t seek to know what ‘it’ is, then he will always remain entangled to his problems, solving one after another and what stops someone from seeking the true-self?
It is the Work – Eat – Entertainment – Sleep cycle that the world is currently running on. And the people cannot think beyond it.
Again, eagerness to know yourself has to come from within and it cannot be forced on to you.
Is it necessary to seek spirituality?
What’s the problem of living a happy life the way you are living now? Well, probably most of the people reading this won’t be having a happy go merry kind of life. No one’s life can ever go happily.
The real problem is a recurring problem. When one ends another problem is already making its way into your life. It is simply because of their desires.
Either you wish your past would have been better or you dream of a better future. Whatever we do, our ultimate goal is avoidance or removal of pain and problems from our lives. Isn’t it?
And in the pursuit of that happiness, you completely forget the present. Not only that, you completely forget your true identity, you forget you are an eternal soul. You deserve eternal blissfulness and not temporary joy.
Once you realize that all your sufferings exists either in your body or in the mind, it will be much easier to cope up with all your problems. If there is a life, then it has to experience happiness and sadness.
And experiencing all the emotions, all the pains, and pleasures without getting attached to any of them is why humans were created. There is a never-ending streak of sufferings in materialistic life, so why not experience the blissful state of spiritual life once?
Easier said than done, spirituality helps to ease up your life by freeing you from the entanglement of the materialistic web. It requires regular practice and going deeper within yourself.
Someone said it correctly – if you are looking for temporary happiness look outside and if you seek permanent blissfulness, look within.
Though there are many ways to do it, meditation is a highly recommended practice to enter and progress on the path of spirituality. Being a part of yoga, it is a proven healing technique for the suffering souls.
The ultimate purpose of yoga and human existence is liberation. It is liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The cycle that starts from the first incarnation as life on earth and will end up when all the accumulated karma is nullified.
So what’s the takeaway?
Spirituality is not any kind of belief or theory or set of instructions that you need to follow to live life and reduce your suffering. It is a way of living life.
Spirituality is a way of life in which people see the things as it is, see the situations as they are. You observe, acknowledge and let go.
You observe all the things. You become aware of all things. You start to enjoy the beauty of creation and the life process instead of getting entangled into it.
Your actions, behavior, your way of life, and this process, starting right from the moment you start thinking more about your existence till you are enlightened is SPIRITUALITY.
I hope I am quite clear in explaining what the true meaning of spirituality is (Certainly, it is not leaving the world and going to mountains to meditate).
Paying attention to life will leave you with many questions.What was your view on spirituality? Do you think you should give it a try? Write down in the comments section below. Also leave any question about your life and its mysteries.
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